Sunday, July 30, 2006

fire dancer

Allow me a moment of supreme girliness:

Daniel got me tickets to Dave Matthews Band on September 9 at Shoreline! Wheeeeee!

Do I have a great boyfriend, or what?

Saturday, July 29, 2006

with a name like dani california

As promised, here are pictures from the last several months (Well, years really. All the way back to high school.). This is just a sampling, of course, as there are far too many to post.


Thursday, July 27, 2006

watch the world around fly by us

I think the problem is that I have so many thoughts. And those thoughts get all bunched up in my head while I'm making sandwiches or walking the dog or watching Sex in the City and then I sit down to write and just get frustrated and give up. If it's any consolation, dear readers, not much has been happening in the world of Megan this summer. A brief recap:

The weekend before Maui, Daniel and I went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and then explored downtown Carmel - taking lots of pictures, drinking lots of coffee, and being generally goofy. Both weddings (Steph's and Katie's) were gorgeous and I put in a lot of hours at the grocery store. Then it was off to Hawaii.

Two weeks of vacation is a lot of vacation and I was ready to come home by the end, but our condo was awesome, the beach was beautiful, and the food was incredible. It was a fun time to spend with my parents and with Daniel, who joined us for a week of the trip. We drove to Hana and hiked the Pipiwai Trail to the Waimoku Falls, which was a totally incredible adventure.

I read a few books while in Hawaii:
Prep, Curtis Sittenfield
The Icarus Girl, Helen Oyeyemi (she's only 21!)
When Crickets Cry, Charles Martin
Angry Housewives Eating BonBons, Lorna Landvik
The Devil Wears Prada, Lauren Weisberger
The Memory Keeper's Daughter, Kim Edwards
Into Thin Air, Jon Krakaur
Running with Scissors, Augusten Burroughs
Life Before Man, Margaret Atwood
The Handmaid's Tale (again), Margaret Atwood

As far as I know, nothing spectacular happened while we were gone aside from Alex and Erica's engagement (which, I'll admit, despite totally seeing it coming, is pretty specatcular in and of itself).

So now I'm back in the Bay, working at the store until the 13th, at which point I'll pack up all of my things and caravan back to Davis, move into my new place, and start school again. I got my TB test read (Hooray! I don't have tuberculosis!) and have finished all of my paperwork, so I should get my school placements soon. I'm a little nervous and a lot excited and really just want to get this whole thing started because I'm sick of obsessing over it while I wait.

Er... pictures soon. Maybe?