Tuesday, May 29, 2007

red, gold, and green

Well the school year is dwindling, and with it, my store of fabulous lesson plans. Let's face it - I'm tired. And can't be bothered to sing and dance my way into my 9th graders' hearts any longer.

I did, however, get their attention today when I put the following picture up on the projector:

That's right, Monster Pig, weighing in at an astounding 1,051 pounds and bagged several weeks ago by 11-year old Jamison Stone in Alabama. Jamison says he "probably won’t ever kill anything else that big.” Smart kid. Jamison's dad says they'll probably make sausage out of the beast. 700-800 pounds of sausage. Holy crap.

It's literally the only thing I can think of to blog about as I'm just flabbergasted at the size of this thing. I mean, really. It's like something out of a horror movie.

Incidentally, if giant pigs are your thing, there have been plenty more:

Shot June 17, 2004 - 800 lbs

Coursey Hog
Shot January 5, 2007 - lbs

Hog Kong
Shot August 2004 - 1,140 lbs

Big Bill
Put down in 1933 after breaking a leg - current world record holder at 2,552 lbs

Ton Pig
Died February 4, 2004 (from lack of mobility due to obesity) - 1,980 lbs

Mmmm, bacon.


jingram said...

um, creepy.

Lomax said...

I am blogging about the same thing! Nothing brings people together like a big hog.

Tattoo Tim 13 said...

Tattoo says... saw one that looked like a black love seat go across a sandbar about five miles north of Natchez Ms. Made me hungry to see it walking around with what i figure to be 450 lbs of bacon, chops, amd roasts.