Wednesday, March 15, 2006

never realizing what's on the horizon

After a day like yesterday, I need to be reminded to count my blessings hardcore.

My interview with the School of Education went really well. I got a chance to talk about working in New York, my passion for the arts, and the importance I place on writing in the disciplines. They seemed really impressed, said I had a lot to offer, and said I would probably hear back in the next 3-4 weeks because they are at the tail end of their last interview round.

Then they told me I had to take two more classes.

Then the insurance company called to say that they were dropping me from the plan today and wouldn't be paying for my surgery unless I take at least nine units next quarter.

Hey, excuse me? Didn't anyone get the memo that I'm graduating?

So, now I have to re-enroll and take EDU 110, EDU 120, and a 1-unit freshman seminar as "enrichment courses" so I can finish my previously undisclosed credential program pre-reqs and get my surgery and allergy medicine covered by insurance. Lame.

I'm ashamed to say that I pretty much threw a fit, cried on my couch for a good hour, did a lot of "But I'm graduating!" on the phone to my mom and in person to Daniel, and gave myself a headache that has lasted through the morning. I've come to terms with it now and will be calling the registrar as soon as they open and figuring the whole thing out, but it's just kind of annoying, since I have a second job all lined up and, of course, one of the classes falls square in the middle of two of my (non-negotiable) shifts.

BUT, I'm still graduating. And it all looks much better in the morning.

So relax your mind

And think about the last time
You took a little time to count
Each blessing one by one
For breath in your lungs and Son risen'
For making your lunch in your little kitchen
While the sound system bumps BoogiRoot drum
Because it's what we're all really searching for right
To my family, where my peoples at
If you're feeling this, give me a soul clap
When we choose to discover god quality in others
It's the beautifulest thing, beautifulest thing
I wanna thank you for my life so beautiful indeed
I'm so blessed in every way
Lord you make me feel complete


Anonymous said...

SO sad that you have to take those! Or you could take P.E. with me! Exercise walking??? MW 9-9:50? I need a talking, I mean walking partner!

Meg said...

Dude, if I can't get my surgery paid for, I just might. Of course, if I do have surgery, all exercising is off for a while.

Anonymous said...

We have so much to talk about. I love you, and really, we need to get away, sit down, and hash out our lives, and pray. I love you.
